Entries by VV PTA

Summer Break!

Thank you to our school comnunity for another great year! The 2024/2025 school year starts on July 17th! Have a wonderful summer break!

8th Grade Promotion Celebrations

The eigth graders were treated to a week of exciting promotion festivities, including the annual dinner & dance, Disneyland trip, breakfast, and the promotion ceremony. A special thank you to the 8th Grade Promotion Chairs and all the parent volunteers who came together to plan all these special events to celebrate our eighth graders and […]

Lisa Herzog’s Retirement

Congratulations to Lisa Herzog, who will retire this June after an astonishing 37 year-connection with Vista Verde! Mrs Herzog started as a VV Staff Spouse to School Psychologist hubby Dennis, back in the 1980s, transitioning to Parent Volunteer in the 2000s, actively working on Coffee Connections, World Fairs, dances, field trips, and classroom assistance. For […]

AEFA Awards Ceremony (Academic Enrichment for All)

Vista Verde students were recognized for their acheivements this week during the AEFA Awards Ceremony. (Academic Enrichment For All) Congratulations to all the students who participated and a heartfelt thanks to all the parent volunteers, teachers, coaches and program chairs. If you are interested in chairing one of the committees next year or volunteering to […]

Last General Association Meeting

Join us for the last General Association meeting of the school year on Tuesday, May 28th at 6:30pm on zoom. There will be an end-of-year Principal’s update and the PTA will present the proposed budget for the upcoming school year. Registration is required to attend. Click here to sign up.

Read Across America Week

Vista Verde will be celebrating Read Across America week from May 20th through 24th. We’ll enjoy lots of reading, dress up days, and fun activities. Grab your favorite books, a few simple items for dress up days, and get ready for a week where we celebrate our love for reading! Monday, 5/20: Let’s Read! Wear […]

AEFA Awards Ceremony

The Vista Verde AEFA Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 21st, at 3:30pm in the MPR. Join us as we celebrate the achievements of our AEFA community, including participating students, program chairs, teacher advisors, and coaches. AEFA (Academic Enrichment For All), encompasses all enrichment activities sponsored by the Vista Verde PTA for all […]

Founder’s Day Award Recipients

Congratulations to this year’s Founders Day award recipients! Patricia Farquhar, our amazing kindergarten teacher and Sevin Ataie, our wonderful parent volunteer. The PTA also recognized three incredible teachers who will be retiring after this year. Brenda Anderson, Liane Martin, and Marianne Widen. Thank you all for your many years of service to our school!