Entries by VV PTA

Middle School Science Olympiad

Vista Verde is taking registrations for the Vista Verde Science Olympiad team 2023. Study sessions and parent volunteering will begin over summer break. Interested? Please fill out the detailed interest form here by May 24th.

IPSF OC Steam Fest…In a Box

Back by popular demand, OC STEAM Fest…In a Box will return for a second year, providing families with a curated box of interactive, take-home STEAM learning activities that can be enjoyed throughout the summer! This year, we’re enhancing the experience with a STEAM Box Pick-Up event hosted by Irvine Company at Woodbury Town Center on Sunday, May 22. […]

AEFA Organizational Meeting

Calling all AEFA organizing parents, please join our last meeting in 2022: AEFA year in review and look ahead to next year. https://vistaverdepta.org/aefa/ Join Zoom Meeting (Mrs. Jones) https://iusd.zoom.us/j/89650472659?pwd=UEE1RjJVaDNuNkxlaG1ZcEZlN2w4UT09 Meeting ID: 896 5047 2659 Passcode: 7bEaNM  

IUSD Parent Workshops – May 2022

Irvine Parent Education Programs (IPEP) are FREE seminars and educational workshops offered to Irvine parents throughout the school year. Please see below for the list of classes and click here to see the full class list and register for the ones that may be of interest. Middle School to High School Transition Q& A with […]