Entries by VV PTA

IUSD Irvine Parent Education Programs

Please click here for more details on District-wide resources provided by IUSD. These free seminars and educational workshops by Irvine Parent Education Programs (IPEP) are offered to Irvine parents throughout the school year. IPEP’s goal is to empower parents with the skills and strategies necessary to become active participants in their child’s education. IPEP offers a variety […]

Square 1 Art

Dear Vista Verde Families, K-5 students and teachers have been busy creating beautiful masterpieces for our Square 1 Art Fundraiser! Artwork is coming home in early November with details on how you can order your custom keepsakes. A percentage of every purchase will go towards Vista Verde! We also encourage Grades 6-8 to participate using […]

Elementary Science Olympiad – Register by October 30th!

Calling all upper elementary students! Are you interested in representing Vista Verde in a science competition against other California elementary schools? Join the Vista Verde Elementary Science Olympiad team! You will be sorted in weekly study/practice Zoom sessions in 3 topics. The virtual competition is held online on March 5, 2022. Register by October 30th, here!

Red Ribbon Week – October 25-29

Red Ribbon Week is the largest drug-abuse prevention campaign in the nation. This year’s theme is “BE HAPPY, BE HEALTHY, AND BE KIND.”  Join the Vista Verde PTA as we show our school spirit while promoting a drug-free lifestyle. For more information on Red Ribbon Week, please visit https://www.redribbon.org/ Red Ribbon Week dress up days: Monday, Oct. 25th: […]

How to Communicate with IUSD?

Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) values open and transparent communication with our families and wants parents/guardians to take an active role in their child’s education through engaging conversations. These communication guidelines will help you get answers to your questions or concerns in a timely manner. Please see the link to “how to communicate with IUSD”.