The Vista Verde PTA is partnering with Gorjana for a shopping fundraiser on December 3rd & 4th. Shop through this link only, and Gorjana will donate a portion of the proceeds to our PTA.

Please visit https://bit.ly/2SIUun7 and enter code: SP-VVS into the Discount Code section at checkout.


Interested in getting more involved in AEFA, Vista Verde’s After School Enrichment for All program? The PTA is currently looking for an AEFA Co-Chair to help organize events such as Spelling Bee, Math Competitions, and Science Olympiad. Please email annie_diep@yahoo.com if you would like more information.


The PTA Teacher Membership contest is back! Contest runs from November 16 to December 15, and all staff will receive a surprise treat if we reach 100% membership participation by December 15th. Teachers who are paid members will also be eligible for the annual teacher grants. Join now for only $10.


The Vista Verde PTA is happy to remind you that the Scholastic “Virtual” Book Fair has already started!!! We will host the fair November 9th – November 22nd.

We hope you’re just as excited as we are! Check out some of the newest books added to the Scholastic catalogue!

·       Fall 2020 Scholastic Middle School “What’s New” Book List

·       Fall 2020 K-6 “What’s New” Book List

·       Fall 2020 Scholastic PreK “What’s New” Book List

·       Scholastic Store Complete Book List

If you’re interested in setting up an e-wallet this year, please visit:  www.scholastic.com/bf/vistaverdeiusd

Support the PTA this Black Friday, and the day after, @ Gorjana.com

It’s never too early to start Christmas gifts shopping! Shop at Gorjana (thru this link only) on 11/27 & 11/28, and portion of the proceeds will benefit the PTA! Please only shop through the link and enter the code SP-VVS into the “DISCOUNT CODE” space at checkout!

Virtual Book Fair

The Vista Verde PTA is happy to announce that the Scholastic “Virtual” Book Fair is coming next week!!! We will host the fair November 9th – November 22nd.

We hope you’re just as excited as we are! Check out some of the newest books added to the Scholastic catalogue!

·       Fall 2020 Scholastic Middle School “What’s New” Book List

·       Fall 2020 K-6 “What’s New” Book List

·       Fall 2020 Scholastic PreK “What’s New” Book List

·       Scholastic Store Complete Book List

If you’re interested in setting up an e-wallet this year, please visit:  www.scholastic.com/bf/vistaverdeiusd

Congratulations PTA Class Membership Contest Winners

The top 3 classes with the most PTA memberships were Ms. Gornbein, 2nd Grade, Ms. Schneirder, 4th Grade, and Mrs. Christenberry, 4th/5th Grade.

Students in these classes will receive gift certificates for pizza!

Reflections Art Contest Winners

Congratulations to our Reflections winners! The following students will move up to the next round at the Irvine Unified Council PTA!

Thank you to all 22 students who participated! They took time away from their busy schedules to create beautiful works of self-expression!

Moving on to the next round are:


Intermediate: Juxi (Bella) Liu, Age 8, 3rd Grade, Mrs. Madden


Middle School: Noah Lee, Age 13, 7th Grade, Mrs. Eckerman

Noah Lee – NHD 2021 & PTA Reflection Assignments (9_14, 9_16) – Noah Lee


Primary: Aron Mostafavi, age 7, 2nd Grade, Gornbein

Link to Aaron’s piano playing: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WUdBCR4_sKzxZNMa8ckPgTUdKf7QQGUL/view?usp=sharing

Visual Arts

Primary: Junxi (Jay) Liu, Age 5, Kindergarten, Mrs. Piesik

Intermediate: Haeun Yoo, Age 9, 3rd Grade, Jonat

Middle School: Sarah Ida, Age 13, 8th Grade, Percoco


Good luck, Vikings! Vista Verde is extremely proud of you!

Questions about Reflections? Contact Lilli LaBuen or Roxi Carter at reflections@vistaverdepta.org


The PTA wishes everyone a safe and happy Halloween!