Calling for Volunteers – Viking Voices (Middle School)

Viking Voices Middle School is looking for volunteers. We are looking for parent volunteers to co-facilitate AEFA’s public speaking group. VIKING VOICES (formerly known as Toastmasters) is a middle school group (grades 6,7,8) that practices public speaking and interpersonal communication skills in a fun, focused and supportive environment. Meetings are run by students to practice leadership skills and mentored by parent volunteers. Students build confidence by delivering prepared speeches and practicing impromptu speaking. Meetings are alternating Wednesdays from 1:30-2:30 pm in Mrs. Jacobs’ classroom, #18. Please email for more information.

AEFA Information Meeting – August 6 – Tuesday

The Vista Verde PTA Academic Enrichment for All (AEFA) Committee is hosting an informational and planning meeting open to all Vista Verde parents who would like to learn more about our AEFA programs or volunteering at any of our AEFA events.

Meeting information: Tuesday, August 6 at 2 pm, Room 18 (Mrs. Jacobs)

Click here for flyer.

Welcome to Our New Crossing Guard!

With the new school year, Vista Verde has a new crossing guard. Her name is Jackie Connolly and up until this year, she has worked at Bonita Canyon. She will be at the newly assigned crosswalk on the backside of the school at Summit Park/Lone Tree. If you use that cross walk, please be sure to say “Hello!” to Ms. Connolly.

Welcome Back to School!

It’s going to be another great year of learning at Vista Verde. Join the PTA and donate to the Annual Fund to help support our teachers and students. Visit to donate and learn about all the great programs and events planned for the 2019-2020 school year.

Picture Day – July 23 – Tuesday

1-2-3 Cheese! Our school picture day is next Tuesday July 23.

Back-to-School-Night – July 24-25

Our Back-to-School-Nights (BTSN) are next Wednesday (1st – 5th) and Thursday (6th-8th) – July 24 and 25.

Please note that both days are modified day. That means 1st-3rd graders are dismissed at 1:25pm and 4th – 8th graders are dismissed at 1:30pm.

There is no BTSN for Kindergarten because there is a special orientation for kindergarten.

ALEKS Math Subscriptions Available for VV families

ALEKS Math subscriptions for at-home independent study will again be offered to VV families at a discounted price! Please see the flyer for details. There is only a one-week ordering window, so turn in those forms soon!

Science Olympiad – Middle School

Calling all future scientists and engineers! Are you interested in joining the 2019-2020 Vista Verde Middle school Science Olympiad team? This is a team competition for 6-8th graders. Team selection and preparations will start in August. Students will be competing in invitational(s) December and January. The top 15 students will compete in the February regional competition.

We also need parent volunteers with interest in this year’s Science Olympiad topics to help guide and share their knowledge with team members. Any parents including those with younger students who may be interested in Science Olympiad in future as well as outside help is very much welcome. In the Spring, there will be a separate Elementary Science Olympiad for 4-6th grades. Please see the interest form in the link below for this year’s middle school topic list. Email if interested in helping the Science Olympiad team.

Interest Form

If you are interested in joining this year’s team, please fill out the interest form here.

VVF – Pars for Stars – August 23 – Friday

Vista Verde Foundation is thrilled to invite you to join our 9th Annual Pars for Stars Golf Tournament and Banquet Gala. Register now to get in on the fun during a truly memorable event!

Congratulations Class of 2019

Congratulations to our 8th Graders! Enjoy your long summer break and may you all have a wonderful high school career.