IUSD Irvine Parent Education Programs

Please click here for more details on District-wide resources provided by IUSD. These free seminars and educational workshops by Irvine Parent Education Programs (IPEP) are offered to Irvine parents throughout the school year. IPEP’s goal is to empower parents with the skills and strategies necessary to become active participants in their child’s education. IPEP offers a variety of workshops focused on topics important to parents of IUSD students. Experienced instructors and district-level representatives lead each workshop, providing participants with thoughtful and up to date information.

Happy Halloween

The PTA wishes everyone a safe and happy Halloween!

Cub Scout Zoom Meeting- April 22nd

Cub Scout Pack 631 – Zoom meeting, Thursday, April 22th, at 6:30PM

Cub Scouts Pack 631 invites Vista Verde families to join a meeting via Zoom on Thursday, April 22th, 2021 at 6:30PM.


For RSVP and questions: cubmaster631@gmail.com


Cub Scout Zoom Meeting- April 22nd

Cub Scout Pack 631 – Zoom meeting, Thursday, April 22th, at 6:30PM

Cub Scouts Pack 631 invites Vista Verde families to join a meeting via Zoom on Thursday, April 22th, 2021 at 6:30PM.


For RSVP and questions: cubmaster631@gmail.com


OC Libraries Virtual Storytime

OC Public Libraries is offering a variety of free Virtual Storytime videos that are great for younger children. For more information, click here.


University High Girls Volleyball Team – Summer Camp Information 

The University High Girls Volleyball team would like to invite incoming Freshman to learn about our volleyball program.  Our Summer Camp starts June 29th.  Please click here for more information. See attached flyer for more information.

University High Girls Lacrosse Team – Summer Camp Information 

The University High Girls Lacrosse team is interested in all incoming Freshman to come play, learn, laugh and grow.  No experience required.  Only a good attitude and a willingness to try.  Check out the attached flyer for more information.

Gratitude Caravan for First Responders – Saturday, April 25th at 10:30am

Join the Gratitude Caravan to express our appreciation for First Responders, Medical Personnel and Grocery Employees.  For more information or notifications, sign up at https://bit.ly/gratitudeIrvine.  See attached flyer for details.