4-Vert Football Camp
Join us for the 4-vert football tryout camp for the South Irvine Spartans. This camp is for players in 6th-8th grades and provides athletes a chance to work closely with high school coaches.
The tryout is FREE and give players the opportunity to work on their skills and find out more about the team. 4-vert is a non-contact 7v7 football passing league. There is no team commitment necessary to come to the camp.
The camp will be Saturday, February 12 @ University High School Field.
Please register for the camp using the link here.
For more information please contact irvspartans@gmail.com
IUSD GATE Book Club Meeting
IUSD hosts its next Gifted and Talented (GATE) Zoom meeting open to all IUSD parents on Wednesday February 16, 2022 at 10:30 AM. The meeting will start with a presentation Advanced Learning in Secondary Education by Leslie Roach, Ed.D, Principal, Northwood High School. The second part of the meeting will be a book club discussion reading Atomic Habits by James Clear (pages 138-213).
Zoom link: https://iusd.zoom.us/j/8230397169?pwd=Skg5M0NyNFhRV2QyWkZZYjZSQ0l2Zz09
Meeting ID: 823 039 7169 / Passcode: IUSD123
Questions? Contact Vista Verde GATE Community Advisory Committee representative Victoria Lopez Casanova at mvicklyc@gmail.com.
A Sweet Gift for a Sweet Cause
Order box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day and support the PTA. The box includes 1 red raspberry heart with 5 assorted truffles for $18.
Order your box here by Thursday, February 10th, 11 PM.
Pick up is on Monday, February 14th, in front of MPR at 2:00 PM.