Square 1 Art

Dear Vista Verde Families,

K-5 students and teachers have been busy creating beautiful masterpieces for our Square 1 Art Fundraiser! Artwork is coming home in early November with details on how you can order your custom keepsakes. A percentage of every purchase will go towards Vista Verde!

We also encourage Grades 6-8 to participate using these simple steps!

  • Take a photo of new or past artwork (colorful/vibrant art prints the best)
  • Upload and customize at the website above
  • Shop for keepsakes and holiday gifts (online ordering only)
  • FREE shipping to Vista Verde before Winter recess (must include advisement teacher’s name and grade)

Any questions, please send an email to square1.vvpta@gmail.com. Thank you for supporting our school!

Wahoos Fish Tacos Fundraiser – Tuesday, November 2nd

Save the date!!! Next Tuesday, November 2nd is our dine out fundraiser at Wahoo’s Fish Tacos (Irvine Spectrum Center) from 11-9pm. Dine in or take out and help support Vista Verde by purchasing a delicious healthy meal!!

Show this flyer for dine in before you pay.

See you VV Vikings!

Elementary Science Olympiad – Register by October 30th!

Calling all upper elementary students! Are you interested in representing Vista Verde in a science competition against other California elementary schools?

Join the Vista Verde Elementary Science Olympiad team! You will be sorted in weekly study/practice Zoom sessions in 3 topics. The virtual competition is held online on March 5, 2022.

Register by October 30th, here!


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