THANK YOU VIKINGS! First of all, THANK YOU to all the teachers and Instructional Aids who shared their videos about why they matter! They have kept their chin ups both in person and in the Irvine Virtual Academy and have been working extra hard for the sake of our kids! VV teachers and staff, you really matter to us, and don’t you forget it!

Thank you to all of our students who have submitted their artwork to the Reflections team! Wednesday was the deadline to submit.

All submissions were sent virtually. No artwork should have been dropped off at the school. 

What’s next? Judging!  Our judges are anonymous and will judge anonymously. All judges are experts in their assigned categories. Judges strongly consider the interpretation of the Reflections theme during the evaluation process. It is suggested that students give their submissions a title that stands out and describes how the piece relates to the student’s personal interpretation of the theme.

Judges will observe the artwork and read the artist statement carefully.

·       How does the work relate to the theme?

·       What is the personal connection to the theme?

·       What did the student use to create the work (e.g., supplies, technology, instrumentation, props, etc.)?

·       What/who was their inspiration?

Judging will be based on the following point system:

1.    Interpretation of theme: How closely the artwork communicates the theme based on the artwork itself and the artist statement. (40 points)

2.    Artistic merit & creativity: How creative and original the artwork is in its conception of the theme and its presentation. (30 points)

3.    Master of medium: The level of skill demonstrated in the basic principles/techniques of the artistic discipline. (30 points)

Winners will be announced in the next week’s newsletter! All first place winners will move on to the next level: Irvine Council!

If you would like to get involved or have any questions, please contact Lili LaBuen Gillen or Roxi Carter at


It’s IPSF Giving Day! Please join us in supporting educational excellence in our public schools by donating to the Irvine Public Schools Foundation (IPSF). We are proud to support IPSF’s mission to enrich the educational experience of each child in every school. IPSF helps to ensure that tomorrow’s leaders receive the best education possible, despite cuts in state funding. Visit to show your support! #SupportIPSF #TurnIrvineOrange


Please consider helping out with Blessings in a Backpack. It is a great opportunity for our children to participate in helping those who are less fortunate. Please click here for more information and see the flier for contactless donation drop off location and time.


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