Spirit Wear Sales & Lunar New Year Celebration
The PTA will be selling Spirit Wear and celebrating Lunar New Year on Friday, February 9th. Stop by and win a prize and learn about all the upcoming PTA events. 2-3pm in from of the MPR.
High School Information Night
Join us for the High School Information Night on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 6pm in the MPR. Current High School VV Alumni will be present to help answer questions about what to expect as students transition into high school. Open to all Middle School families. Contact Michelle Nishida at mnishida@uci.edu for more information.
Uni High School 8th Grade Family Night
Mark your calendars for University High School’s 8th Grade Family Night on April 10th! Incoming Freshman students and their families are invited to attend this information night to learn about the different programs and athletics offered at Uni Hight School. Dinner will be provided for a nominal fee as a fundraiser to support the Baseball program. Dinner starts at 5:00pm.