Congratulations, Vista Verde PTA Classroom Membership Contest Winners!

The VVPTA Classroom Membership Contest results are in!  And the winners are:

K-5th: Miss Na: 83%, Mrs. Schneider: 81%, Ms. Farquhar: 77%

MS Advisement: Mr. Widen: 73%

K-5th winners get to have a Glow-in-the-Dark Party and lunch for their teachers and Mr. Widen’s Advisement Class will enjoy a pizza party and a chance to silly string their advisor, Mr. Vlasic or Mrs. Grooters! Congratulations to all the winners! We’d like to extend a big thank you to Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Mark, and ASB for helping brainstorm prizes for the winners! We’ll reach out to the winning classrooms upon our return from Fall Break.  Thank you to all who signed up for a membership! See why your membership matters here.