Reflections Art Program – Call for Entries!

Who inspires you? Is it your parents? Is it your teachers? Is it The Avengers? Is it the firefighters that have been working tirelessly to keep us safe? Many use the arts as a way to translate what is meaningful to them. The Reflections Art Program is an annual PTA sponsored program encouraging students to participate in the arts. This year’s theme is “Heroes Around Me.” So, what or who inspires you? Who are YOUR heroes?

All Vista Verde students are invited to participate. Students may submit their artwork, reflecting the 2018-2019 Reflections Art Program theme, in one of six (6) categories: Visual Art (2D & 3D), Photography, Literature, Music Composition, Dance Choreography, and Film Production.

It’s easy to participate:
1. Reflect on this year’s theme: “Heroes Around Me”.
2. Create an original work inspired by the theme.
3. Celebrate your achievements and win prizes!

Check out this video:

DUE DATE: All entries for the 2018-19 Reflections Art Program are due by Wednesday, October 17, 2018 to the Vista Verde front office.

A Reflections Program Info session will be held after school next week. Keep an ear out for when it will be!

General Rules on size, format, usage of copyright work, etc.:

Please use the entry form provided here.

Please click here for flyer.

Questions? email Lilli LaBuen at